FULL SPECTRUM: Guidelines for Responsible Cannabis Advertising 

Industry-Wide Guidelines and Standards for Responsible Cannabis Advertisements 

FULL SPECTRUM is an annual overview of the state of cannabis advertising, guidelines and recommendations for best practices, and highlights of the brightest creative that brands and media partners are circulating to address (mis)perceptions about the cannabis plant, products, and consumers. 

The inaugural report includes the Cannabis Media Council’s recommended seven core pillars for responsible advertising. Leading by example, FULL SPECTRUM includes the case study of our I’m High Right Now campaign, along with examples of stellar advertising across the regulated industry. 



FULL SPECTRUM ED. II includes the impact of cannabis rescheduling on marketing, recommendations for hemp-derived products, updated industry data and market trends, case studies, and more!

The FULL SPECTRUM report also covers: 

  • How can the cannabis sector advertise responsibly? 

  • Why cannabis operators cannot afford to underinvest in advertising? 

  • What are best practices and examples for advertising with compliance and creativity? 

  • Which mainstream and traditional media outlets are open to partnering with the cannabis sector? 

  • What should cannabis brands and operators ask prospective media partners before advertising on their properties or networks? 

  • How should brands engage with influencers for #paid sponsorship or promotion? 

  • What’s the business case for media outlets to extend advertising inventory to the cannabis sector? 

Free (for now) to download.



Sign up to ACCESS the report. 

Please Be Advised: The Cannabis Media Council understands that what is acceptable or unacceptable today may not be acceptable in the future, and the Council intends the guidelines portion of this document to be an evolving and living document. As the cannabis industry changes, we believe in the freedom and flexibility to update this document along with it. This document is not a hard and fast set of rules. We encourage you to utilize this document as a guide for your cannabis advertising practices. We aim to issue annual updates to this report. 

These guidelines do not constitute legal advice; instead all information, content, and materials are for general informational purposes only. Information may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. The Cannabis Media Council makes no representation or warranty, express or implied. Be aware that wherever laws and regulations are more restrictive than these guidelines, those laws and regulations prevail. The same applies if a media outlet's terms or standards are more restrictive. Your use of this document is solely at your own risk. Your use of these guidelines does not shield you from legal liability and does not constitute a defense. You should always consult counsel before you enter into your own advertising program.